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** I’m about to road-trip from New York** to Texas, and I’m so excited to listen to your podcast in the Witch And Moon My Broom Broke So I Became A Paraprofessional Halloween Shirt in contrast I will get this car. What sparked the idea for it? Tucker: Well, we were becoming pals, and before everybody was jumping on the voice-memo trend, I think Drew and I were really living that voice-memo life. It really was like we were just sending a podcast back and forth to each other. Then, finally, Drew got high one night and sent me a voice memo, and I listened to it in the morning and was like, Yeah, she’s right, we should have a podcast. What are we doing? Gregory: We came up with the idea of making it a dating podcast because dating is one of my favorite things to talk about and one of Christina’s least favorite things to talk about. It’s really the main way that we differ because we have a lot of similar interests, pop-culture-wise. Christina and I both really like romance and love stories, but I’ve been trying to recreate it in my life and Christina is like, “I have no time for that.” [Laughs.] Tucker: I don’t know that we really approach things with the idea that we’re going to change each other’s minds because we’re quite stubborn.

Witch And Moon My Broom Broke So I Became A Paraprofessional Halloween Shirt

Gregory: And I’m a Capricorn sun, Leo rising, Taurus moon. We can’t really change each other’s minds, but the Witch And Moon My Broom Broke So I Became A Paraprofessional Halloween Shirt in contrast I will get this day that Christina sends me a voice memo or a text about having a crush or having fallen in love is going to be, like…I’m going to be more excited than when I fall in love. Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Sleeve, Human, Person, Lily-Rose Depp, Sunglasses, Accessories, and Accessory Tucker: I think it is kind of the great queer question of our time. It came up for Drew and me as we discussed in our first episode, with regards to how our relationship started: “Hey, is this a date? Is this friendship? What are we doing here? How do we figure this out?” A lot of it is just refusing to communicate feelings and simply choosing to live in a place of gray possibility as opposed to being like, “Hey, actually, I have these feelings. How do you feel?” Maybe we’re trying to get people to communicate. Gregory: I think it also sort of encapsulates Christina’s and my differences, in the sense that in our relationship I went in with the assumption of, Oh, we’re flirting, the DMs are leading toward dating, and Christina was like, Oh, we’re flirting, the DMs are leading toward friendship. In our first episode, we get into that and talk about, you know, why do I approach things that way? Why does Christina approach things that way? And are there ways in which we can learn from each other and we can sort of reassess. I am a really big fan of encouraging direct communication, and I would love to get to a place where queer people—especially queer women and nonbinary people—feel more empowered to communicate and experience rejection and express desire. I think it comes from a place of shame, where women and nonbinary people and queer people in general are not encouraged to express our desires. Not to make flirting into something that has to be political, but I do think that there’s a level of counteracting this cis-het narrative and being like, No, it’s okay to respectfully make a move if you have a crush on someone who you’re becoming friends with. If they reject you, it doesn’t mean that you’re some creepy lesbian or some creepy trans person; it just means that you wanted different things from that person, and maybe you can then have a really great friendship. Maybe start a podcast, even!

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