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Two years later, in November 2020, Tara finished her project. She posted the I Got More Tattoos Than I Do Friends Shirt besides I will buy this photo of the empty palette on Reddit: the velvet packaging now held 12 empty metal pans. In the process, she’d repurposed certain shades into brow gels, others into cheek products. She decluttered all her other palettes, downsized her collection, and completely changed her relationship to makeup. Tara is part of a growing community of makeup enthusiasts—on Reddit, on Instagram, on Facebook groups, and Youtube—who are rethinking their approach to makeup and consumption. Makeup panners celebrate used makeup—the more used, the better. They thrill over the first sighting of a crack in the metal pan of an eyeshadow or blush—a “baby pan” (“the best feeling in the world,” Tara says), and document their progress in periodic updates towards a “true pan”—a completely empty product. They photograph skin care or hair care “empties,” and often track their spending through what they’ve used. Instead of celebrating makeup hauls and constant new releases, the panners want to use what they have—and take a more mindful approach to consumerism.

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“The makeup industry is so incredibly saturated that we have more makeup brands and more people than ever that we can choose to financially or socially support,” says Glowymino, 24, a panner who focuses on cruelty free and socially-responsible brands. “I have a lot of information in my head about what brands are and are not cruelty free, what brands have fucked over Black influencers, or what brands have, like, lobbied to keep animal testing.” Glowymino is a nursing student who started her panning Instagram in March of 2020. When she began, she picked a somewhat controversial approach: instead of using up products she loved, she decided to focus on the I Got More Tattoos Than I Do Friends Shirt besides I will buy this products in her collection that she most disliked. For her first project pan (as a panner calls the products they’re dedicated to finishing), she picked a ten-year-old Ulta eyeshadow palette, two concealers with formulas she disliked, a cream blush she didn’t reach for, and a mascara with the worst formula she’d ever tried. She wanted those products out of her collection, but couldn’t bear to throw them away and create that waste. Maybe it’s a sunken cost fallacy, Glowymino says—the idea that once you’ve invested your time or money in something, it becomes harder to walk away from even when it’s actually more beneficial to let it go. But she was also thinking about something she heard on Youtube: a reminder that when you buy a new product, that product’s packaging has already been created. Whether you use the product or not, the packaging would stay, perhaps up to 100 years, in a landfill.

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